Lewis Loft 3.0 Begins

It’s always been a dream of ours to have more than a “traditional neighborhood sized” lot. Lewis Loft 1.0 was on a pretty standard quarter acre lot. Lewis Loft 2.0 is on even smaller. There are lots of reasons for why it ended up that way, but we won’t get into that. Just suffice it to say that we knew several years ago that we wanted to start looking for at least an acre.

So, we did.

We did a lot of looking at different areas of Utah, which is where we’ve lived our whole lives - in several areas of the state. We went into it with a pretty open mind and made a wish list. And we continued to watch what the real estate market was doing.

We did a lot of driving to look at different lots we found, and started to really weigh the pros and cons.

And then we stumbled across the one. I didn’t think it would happen the way it did, but it really was that serendipitous, we just knew it the first time we saw it.

I happened to be in the area with some friends when we went to see it. Chris wasn’t able to be there with me at the time, but I was able to FaceTime with him. We went to look at some others nearby, but they were smaller than we wanted and just didn’t have the same vibe we were going for. This one did.

So we simmered on it for a while. Like months. And the more time went on, the more we knew we wanted it. The more we could envision our home being there. And the more we knew it was right.

We only told our two best friends. The secret was sealed from everyone else until it was a done deal.

Then we told our parents.

Needless to say, because it’s closer than we currently live, all of our family is pretty happy about it.

There is no real timeline yet, because Chris is still working in Southern Utah, and we want to take the process of designing, building, and moving slow. I want to really enjoy it and learn as much as I can along the way, and share it here because I think it will be really fun!

I think seeing plans, designing, and learning from all of this is in my blood. I grew up with my dad in construction for my entire life, and I just love the process. I’m very excited to design this from the true ground up.

Our first two houses were very much the type of house where you drive into a developer neighborhood, choose one of their pre-designed plans, select from their limited design center options, and then it gets built for you. And for many people, that is very cool and plenty of involvement. I’m actually really glad that is the route we took for the first two houses. I feel like we learned so much from both of them that we have the perspective we need to do it differently this time around.

There’s a ton to learn, and I know there will still be bumps and hiccups, but I think there’s power in sharing the experiences we have and what we do to walk through this process, so if you’re here, I hope you enjoy following along! Mostly, I think it will be so fun to document for ourselves and see where it goes!


Beginning Stages of Home Design


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