First Exterior 3D Renderings

This particular point in the process is one that I’ve looked forward to from the very beginning, because it’s truly where you start to see the house design come to life! But, I’ve also known from the beginning that we can’t rush the process because it’s really important to get the plan right.

We weren’t expecting to get these renderings yet, but when we did, I tell you I couldn’t have opened the email faster! It’s the first point that it started to feel real!

There are several little details in these renderings that we didn’t expect to see that we ended up loving what our designer did! One example was how he designed the entryway around the front door. All of the wood details are so beautiful!

This is another helpful stage of the process for deciding on things like sizes of windows and doors, height of walls, etc.


Second Exterior 3D Renderings


Fourth Draft of Preliminary Floor Plans