All Things Notion
Notion changed the game for me in terms of life organization! I wish that was an exaggeration, but it’s not! In the interest of keeping all things Notion in one place, below you’ll find templates, blog posts, videos, and [soon] courses that are all things Notion!

This template is what I used to return to college and get myself organized. It gives you a place to keep notes, course plans, coursework, tasks and events.
Consider this research log the more tech-savvy big sister to my Simple Research Log template. It gives you a singular database to view all your research projects and all your sources, but then all fancy-linked up to each other for you to focus on one project or one source at a time.
This Notion template gives you a place to store all the information relevant to your resume. In a time where tailoring your resume to a specific job is a must, this gives you a way to not lose track of all the possibilities to choose from to quickly and easily get that tailored resume created.
Notion is a near perfect way to track your job applications. I started using this when I was applying to internships while in college. I took a resume building and job application course that had a very specific process of how to tailor your resume to the job you were applying for so I built that into this Notion template.
This template is a simple but might research log that I used as I returned to academia for several semesters to organize my research projects. It’s templated, nested pages, but not databases - for those who want a simpler experience to organize research.
My Knowledge Hub in Notion is where everything is saved! It is the place I keep books I read and all my notes from those readings, podcasts I listen to, YouTube videos I watch and learn from, online courses I take, audiobooks and so much more.
This template is a relatively simple, yet powerful content planner for any social platform you may need to organize posts for. I use it for managing multiple Instagram and YouTube accounts, as well as blogs.